Post-exposure chemoprophylaxis is a preventive tool that involves the administration of certain medications to prevent infection/disease, having previously demonstrated its efficacy and safety through studies and research.

Chemoprophylaxis for HIV and other STDs

As it is well known, there is a specific type of prophylaxis for HIV, and recently, an antibiotic-based prophylaxis called doxycycline (a tetracycline antibiotic) has been proposed to prevent chlamydia and syphilis infections (doxyPEP).

Efficacy of doxycycline in STD prevention

Initially, it was believed that the preventive administration of doxycycline could reduce the transmission risk of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis during unprotected sexual activities. Subsequent research and studies suggest that this drug is effective against chlamydia and syphilis (with very robust prevention rates; between 79% and 89%) but NOT as effective against gonorrhea (55%).

Limitations of doxycycline for gonorrhea

Some studies even conclude that it is NOT effective for gonorrhea and that long-term exposure of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to doxycycline could lead to a higher rate of antibiotic resistance, with the potential for these “resistance genes” to be exchanged with other bacteria.

Open House medical team’s decision

Given these considerations, the medical team at Open House has decided not to include doxyPEP in our prescription offerings at this time. However, we do offer a variant that covers all three bacteria by combining two antibiotics (doxycycline + ceftriaxone) when unprotected oral sex occurs and certain inclusion criteria are met, such as the patient being in a monogamous relationship, the contact being extramarital, and if waiting for the 3-week window period to test is not possible.

If three weeks have already passed, we can offer screening for these three infections with results available in a maximum of 90 minutes, followed by medical advice and treatment in the event of a positive result.

Madrid Clinic Valencia Clinic Remote Consultation


Dr. Atef Souied Espada

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